Monday, July 16, 2012

Work, Discovery, and PLNs' Adventures in Tech Savvy Teachers Course

Work, Discovery, and PLNs' Adventures in Tech Savvy Teachers Course
After two days of exploration and hands on development of wikis/blogs, including the exploration of selected Web 2.0 tools, our Tech Savvy Teachers deserved a break. We held a two day courseglued to computer screens most of the time, testing, searching, and communicating.  Participating educators were highly motivated and did not hesitate to dig in to new learning territory or advance their skills and awareness. As an instructor, in a perfect world, I prefer our learning to be structured differently, in smaller chunks spread out in time, but to meet the needs of a two day summer course, it inevitably comes down to some serious immersion in the information, awareness, and the "doing." Our "doing" focused on how we learn, and the understanding that our students have differing expectations in their learning process too. Below is my map of how I see learning for educators and their students
The Impact of Our Personal Learning Network

I take away a continued respect for our participants, knowing that more reflection and practice  remains after their work in class. They are asked to evaluate the appropriate methodologies and time for adoption in their own professional goals which ultimately impact their own students as well.

Personal learning networks get us started,  through subscribing to shared resources in blogs, podcasts, and twitter feeds. Why? Because networking with other professionals and planning for future implementation of Web 2.0 tools is a vital professional goal.  Build your PLN. Develop a personal Learning Network Action Plan as a guide for continued growth.

With some time away to complete assignments, I am confident that teachers will see some connections that will benefit them as individuals. Being tech savvy is knowing how to mine the web for connections to other wise educators that we can follow at first, then collaborate and share educational resources openly online. It's a whole new world available to us! I was pleased that our group helped each other with questions, in discussions, or "I'm stuck" with a technology tool. I am also excited about seeing good ideas and discoveries emerge, and shared accomplishments. There is so much to celebrate together.
Tech Savvy Teacher Particpants and other educators, what have you added to your personal learning network lately? How does it help you?


  1. As I have worked through the learning process of wiki and blogger, I can see how they can be helpful tools. The wiki has been the best tool for me as I can connect it to other activities in Moodle. The blog, I am still struggling to incorporate it currently. There is a link on Moodle for blogging. Having this exposure, I can work with this tool with a little more comfort that I would have had prior to class.

  2. I have always been interested in technology and envied those who had that gift. I never seemed to find the time to explore. It is wonderful that through this class I was able to start learning. Up to this point I have learned many things. I created a wiki. Sounds like a minor thing but to me it is monumental. I have worked on a blog and now follow some people on twitter. This is a lot from starting with no skills. I have begun examining PLN's. I think this is an area that my staff and I can learn in together. Being in a school of five teachers, It will do us all well to be on a PLN to further our collaboration and to grow at our craft. It will also be good that we will be learning together. I know this is just a beginning but I feel that I am on my way.

  3. I am amazed by the information and sites availabe to look at in 2.0. I wish I had unlimited time to try them out and to put them into my bag of tricks. Doing the exploration is the easy task. I know I will use some of this with my students. It is a challange for myself to use these. I think I will enjoy putting these together.

  4. I have been expanding my PLN by following Wiki's related to 1:1 computing in schools. It's pretty amazing where one post will lead you. For example, today I was at: , reading the comments from the post titled: "Keeping Students Engaged in a 1:1 Project-Based Classroom" led me to: , a website I've never been to before with a lot of good material.

  5. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Overall, I consider my myself to be technological savvy, but as technology continues to grow, it takes a lot to keep up with it. With blogs and wikis, I hope to improve my current use of online technology and go from me post information and having the students read it, to having the student post information, and response to each others thoughts and create a truly Web 2.0 culture in my classroom. The Live Binder tool will be a great tool to use in the my classroom, allowing students to freely access what we are doing in class from any where they have internet access. Where it is on their phones, ipods or ipads, computers, etc. My PLN is now to help other teachers who I work with to use new technologies like the wikis, blogs, and Live Binder in their class to create more dialog both wirelessly and face to face.

  6. I believe that I had been more tech savvy as a younger person. Taking this course opened my eyes to a whole new power of the internet. (wikis and blogs) Making wikis, blogs and delicious part of my PLN will help me to develop ways to find information, resources, and lesson plans from people that I would never have contact with if it were not for the internet. I am interested in continueing to grow in this knowledge both personally and professionally.

  7. I has been helpful to get your thoughts and assessment of utilizing tools such as wikis and blogs as online learning tools for your students and possibly, for your own personal learning. You all have shared reflections to that end. It is exciting to be an educator today with opportunities to refine a PLN that mines useful and professional learning to suit our individual learning needs. There are opportunities to share and promote one's professional endeavors, collaborate and communicate with like minded professionals through Twitter, or Social Bookmarking, or subject specific blogs and wikis, all available to review on one's own timetable. Great opportunities in learning and adventures in media literacy for all.


Please join in this media literacy discussion.