Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Voki: Speak Your Mind

This is a fun Widget called Voki. Put your thoughts to animation and sound. My persona relays the excitement and passion I have for learning in educational technology. The future in teaching today is so promising, given today's technology rich learning environment. Use Voki to speak for you. How do we do it in our own classroom/schools? What kinds of learning is going on outside our schools?


  1. Check out my website, if you don't already know about it. Media Literacy Clearinghouse

    1. Thank you Frank for your interest. I will add your link to my blog.

  2. I could see student's really enjoying Voki. One website I used last year in my Introduction to Video Production class was http://www.xtranormal.com/, I used this website to teach the fundamentals of story boarding. Similar to Voki, you tell the characters what to say.

    1. It is nice to hear about tools you have used in your classroom, and how they connect to K-12 teaching topics and strategies. I'm intrigued by this tool; I like it because there is an educator's subscription to xtranormal and it is very visually inviting as a creative tool in which kids just have to get excited about in the telling their own stories!


Please join in this media literacy discussion.