Monday, July 16, 2012

Work, Discovery, and PLNs' Adventures in Tech Savvy Teachers Course

Work, Discovery, and PLNs' Adventures in Tech Savvy Teachers Course
After two days of exploration and hands on development of wikis/blogs, including the exploration of selected Web 2.0 tools, our Tech Savvy Teachers deserved a break. We held a two day courseglued to computer screens most of the time, testing, searching, and communicating.  Participating educators were highly motivated and did not hesitate to dig in to new learning territory or advance their skills and awareness. As an instructor, in a perfect world, I prefer our learning to be structured differently, in smaller chunks spread out in time, but to meet the needs of a two day summer course, it inevitably comes down to some serious immersion in the information, awareness, and the "doing." Our "doing" focused on how we learn, and the understanding that our students have differing expectations in their learning process too. Below is my map of how I see learning for educators and their students
The Impact of Our Personal Learning Network

I take away a continued respect for our participants, knowing that more reflection and practice  remains after their work in class. They are asked to evaluate the appropriate methodologies and time for adoption in their own professional goals which ultimately impact their own students as well.

Personal learning networks get us started,  through subscribing to shared resources in blogs, podcasts, and twitter feeds. Why? Because networking with other professionals and planning for future implementation of Web 2.0 tools is a vital professional goal.  Build your PLN. Develop a personal Learning Network Action Plan as a guide for continued growth.

With some time away to complete assignments, I am confident that teachers will see some connections that will benefit them as individuals. Being tech savvy is knowing how to mine the web for connections to other wise educators that we can follow at first, then collaborate and share educational resources openly online. It's a whole new world available to us! I was pleased that our group helped each other with questions, in discussions, or "I'm stuck" with a technology tool. I am also excited about seeing good ideas and discoveries emerge, and shared accomplishments. There is so much to celebrate together.
Tech Savvy Teacher Particpants and other educators, what have you added to your personal learning network lately? How does it help you?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Voki: Speak Your Mind

This is a fun Widget called Voki. Put your thoughts to animation and sound. My persona relays the excitement and passion I have for learning in educational technology. The future in teaching today is so promising, given today's technology rich learning environment. Use Voki to speak for you. How do we do it in our own classroom/schools? What kinds of learning is going on outside our schools?