Monday, July 18, 2011

Following our Tech Savvy Teachers Class, I left with a new respect for the many considerations that educators must keep in mind as they introduce and implement learning through the use of collaborative, Web 2.0 tools. There were many great ideas gleaned from our discussions, and plenty of exploration and evaluation of the online, collaborative learning tools available to us.

Most importantly, I believe we all came away knowing that we can join and count on a community of learners to share, support, and co-publish information and resources. More lively discussions were heard around the use of Twitter in education, along with Blogs and Wikis. So much to learn!

Thursday, July 07, 2011

I completed teaching a course in graphics recently. I got really excited about the multitude of graphic online Web 2.0 Tools available. One can take photos, upload them, manipulate, and share them. Here is an example of an architectural photo I took in the Czech Republic, altered in Lunapic. This is really fun experimenting with effects or filters that mimic results in high end graphics software. Is this an option to jazz up your sites? You might want to try it! Do you have other tools you could share with us?